Sunday, June 10, 2018


The last day of the trip.    :-(

The "summer camp phenomena" - you meet and bond with old and new friends, then after a great time in a great place, you all have to say good by and head your separate ways.

Two days ago we left Kotor Bay, biking into Bosnia for a one night stay.

In mountainous areas they usually place country borders on the ridges, which means checkpoints are at a pass. So we once again had the challenge of a climb (and once again the challenge of the heat), but then we got to cool off on a great downhill.

We stopped to visit a bee keeper and learn a bit about his apiary, followed with a honey tasting that included the chance to try a honey based Rakia (the honey sweetness did a lot for its palate).

The next day started with a van transit across the Croatian border for the final day's ride along the Mediterranean.

Our farewell dinner was inside the walled city.

The next morning I had an early flight. As I boarded, it started to rain.  Rain on Day 1 and then at the very end. It was nice to be able to keep the rain gear packed, but on some of those warm hills a little drizzle would have been appreciated.

Five countries, ~ 240 miles, 15,000+ vertical feet. A good ride. Farewell Balkans,

Zbogum  збогум (Macedonia)
Lamtumire (Albania)
Dovidenja! (Montenegro)
Zbogom (Bosnia)
Dovidenja (Croatia)

The google photos link to more pictures of the trip. 


  1. It's been fun following your bike travel through an interesting part of the world. Can't wait to ask you questions about it.

  2. Thanks for the report from my mothers homeland

  3. I enjoyed following your ride and reading about the countries you traveled through!
